日本におけるドイツビジネス2024 - 日本企業とともにビジネスチャンスをつかむ
その他- 開催日時
- 2024年4月16日
- 開催場所
- ウェブセミナー(Zoom)
日本におけるドイツビジネス2024 - 日本企業とともにビジネスチャンスをつかむ
German Business in Japan 2024 – Capturing Business Opportunities with Japanese Partners
在日ドイツ商工会議所 (AHK Japan) は、毎年KPMGドイツとともに、在日ドイツ企業を対象に企業景況調査を行っています。今年は1月30日から2月13日まで472社を対象に調査し、164社(35%)から有効回答を得ました。
オンラインセミナーでは、まず、在日ドイツ商工会議所のシュールマン氏とKPMGドイツのグルンツ氏が主な調査結果を解説します。その後、ティッセンクルップ・グループ 日本代表 ボルツェ氏とエボニックジャパン株式会社 代表取締役社長 内藤氏を招き、トークセッションにて、それぞれのビジネスの視点から意見交換を行います。
【Aim of the event】
The German Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Japan (AHK Japan) conducts an annual business climate survey of German companies in Japan together with KPMG Germany. This year, from 30 January to 13 February, 472 companies were surveyed, and 164 companies (35%) responded validly. The results and assessment by German companies in Japan about the business climate is highly positive, overall. Among other key findings, the ranking of the Japan business withing German HQ’s global turnover and profit and the acceleration of relocation of production and management function from China to Japan are standing out. Marcus Schuermann and Andreas Glunz will share the details. Afterwards, Nikolaus Boltze, Country Representative of thyssenkrupp and Goro Naito, CEO from Evonik Japan, will join the talk session to exchange views from their perspective of their own business.
言 語:日本語、英語(同時通訳あり)
参 加 費:無料(事前登録制)
主 催:日刊工業新聞社 モノづくり日本会議
【Event Outline】
Date: 16. April 2024
Time: 16:00-17:30
Languages: Japanese, English (simultaneous interpretation)
Method: Zoom
Admission: free of charge (pre-registration required)
Organised by: Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun, Monozukuri Nippon Kaigi
Key findings of the Business Climate Survey 2024

在日ドイツ商工会議所 (AHK Japan) は、毎年KPMGドイツとともに、在日ドイツ企業を対象に企業景況調査を行っています。今年は1月30日から2月13日まで472社を対象に調査し、164社(35%)から有効回答を得ました。
オンラインセミナーでは、まず、在日ドイツ商工会議所のシュールマン氏とKPMGドイツのグルンツ氏が主な調査結果を解説します。その後、ティッセンクルップ・グループ 日本代表 ボルツェ氏とエボニックジャパン株式会社 代表取締役社長 内藤氏を招き、トークセッションにて、それぞれのビジネスの視点から意見交換を行います。
【Aim of the event】
The German Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Japan (AHK Japan) conducts an annual business climate survey of German companies in Japan together with KPMG Germany. This year, from 30 January to 13 February, 472 companies were surveyed, and 164 companies (35%) responded validly. The results and assessment by German companies in Japan about the business climate is highly positive, overall. Among other key findings, the ranking of the Japan business withing German HQ’s global turnover and profit and the acceleration of relocation of production and management function from China to Japan are standing out. Marcus Schuermann and Andreas Glunz will share the details. Afterwards, Nikolaus Boltze, Country Representative of thyssenkrupp and Goro Naito, CEO from Evonik Japan, will join the talk session to exchange views from their perspective of their own business.
言 語:日本語、英語(同時通訳あり)
参 加 費:無料(事前登録制)
主 催:日刊工業新聞社 モノづくり日本会議
【Event Outline】
Date: 16. April 2024
Time: 16:00-17:30
Languages: Japanese, English (simultaneous interpretation)
Method: Zoom
Admission: free of charge (pre-registration required)
Organised by: Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun, Monozukuri Nippon Kaigi
Key findings of the Business Climate Survey 2024

在日ドイツ商工会議所 専務理事
2000 年より在日ドイツ商工会議所に在籍。2015 年7 月の現職就任前はCOO としてサービス、財務、管理部門を中心とした全ての業務活動を統括。在日ドイツ商工会議所入所前、2 社のドイツ系中小企業での職務を通じアジアにおける実務経験を蓄積する。その内の1 社、ドイツ最大のコンプレッサーメーカーでは社長として日本と韓国における事業開発責任者を務める。1989 年より日本在住。
Mr. Marcus Schuermann
Chief Executive Officer of AHK Japan
Delegate of German Industry and Commerce in Japan
Marcus Schuermann joined the German Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Japan (AHK Japan) in 2000. Before taking up his current position in July 2015, as COO he has been in charge for all operational activities with specific focus on Services, Finance and Administration. He gained hands on experience in Asia by serving for two Germ an SME’s before joining AHK Japan. Among them, he has been associated with the largest German compressor manufacturer. As President he was responsible to develop the company’s business in Japan and Korea. He lives and works in Japan continuously since 1989.

KPMGドイツ インターナショナルビジネス部門マネージングパートナー
Mr. Andreas Glunz
Managing Partner International Business, KPMG AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft
For more than 30 years Andreas Glunz’s professional focus has been the audit of subsidiaries of international companies in Germany, mainly from Japan, Europe and the USA as well as advising German and international clients with their global activities in growth markets as well as in mature markets.
在日ドイツ商工会議所 専務理事
2000 年より在日ドイツ商工会議所に在籍。2015 年7 月の現職就任前はCOO としてサービス、財務、管理部門を中心とした全ての業務活動を統括。在日ドイツ商工会議所入所前、2 社のドイツ系中小企業での職務を通じアジアにおける実務経験を蓄積する。その内の1 社、ドイツ最大のコンプレッサーメーカーでは社長として日本と韓国における事業開発責任者を務める。1989 年より日本在住。
Mr. Marcus Schuermann
Chief Executive Officer of AHK Japan
Delegate of German Industry and Commerce in Japan
Marcus Schuermann joined the German Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Japan (AHK Japan) in 2000. Before taking up his current position in July 2015, as COO he has been in charge for all operational activities with specific focus on Services, Finance and Administration. He gained hands on experience in Asia by serving for two Germ an SME’s before joining AHK Japan. Among them, he has been associated with the largest German compressor manufacturer. As President he was responsible to develop the company’s business in Japan and Korea. He lives and works in Japan continuously since 1989.

KPMGドイツ インターナショナルビジネス部門マネージングパートナー
Mr. Andreas Glunz
Managing Partner International Business, KPMG AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft
For more than 30 years Andreas Glunz’s professional focus has been the audit of subsidiaries of international companies in Germany, mainly from Japan, Europe and the USA as well as advising German and international clients with their global activities in growth markets as well as in mature markets.
トークセッション/Talk Session

ニコラス・ボルツェ 氏
ティッセンクルップ・グループ 日本代表
Mr. Nikolaus Boltze
Country Representative of thyssenkrupp
Nikolaus Boltze studied aeronautical design in Germany. He graduated in 1991 and started his professional career at Daifuku Co., Ltd. as a sales-engineer. In 1997, he changed to the German automotive supplier Behr GmbH & Co. and established the first office for Behr in Tokyo. From 2005 until now he is working for thyssenkrupp in various management positions in Japan and took over the role as country representative in 2010.From 2014 to 2018 he served as the President of the German Chamber of Commerce & Industry in Japan (AHK Japan).

内藤 吾朗 氏
エボニックジャパン株式会社 代表取締役社長
1993年国際基督教大学卒。同年シェルジャパン入社。シェルインターナショナルガス、シェル・ガス&パワー・ジャパンにおいて天然ガス事業に携わる。その後2008年にエボニック ジャパン入社。ドイツ本社勤務の後、2016年事業開発本部長、2022年常務取締役、2024年1月から現職。
Mr. Goro Naito
President & representative director, Evonik Japan Co., Ltd.
After graduated from International Christian University in 1993, Goro Naito joined Shell Japan Co., Ltd. Since then covered various positions in the field of natural gas business in Shell International Gas (London), Shell Gas & Power Japan. In 2008 joined Evonik Japan Co., Ltd., and moved to headquarters in Germany from 2013. After returning from Germany in 2016 he took responsibility as head of regional development and from 2022 managing director of Evonik Japan, and from Jan 2024 he took the current position.